couples tantric yoga retreat canada




My name is Christopher Martin, and I help people live a more orgasmic life. Retreats, Courses and Coaching focused on intimacy, love and sexuality to unlock the life force the moves us. From Tantra to BDSM I weave the dark and the light. This is Intimacy Unleashed Christopher Kyle Martin Full Body Orgasm Guy

Sprout has been fascinated by the layers of human consciousness beyond thought since being a teenager.

Facing numerous traumatic scenarios at a young age led to a lot of unsafety in his experience.

Most of what Sprout brings is about diving deeper into his SOULS unique expression, facing the fears, guilt and shame that prevented himself from STANDING in his full-POWER.

In that way he creates a permission field for a deeper EXPRESSION in humanity.

Serving the COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION of humanity as we all thrive for building a better REALITY

“As human beings on this earth, we owe our life for that in which created us. 

Beyond thought is the pure frequency of life, the birth of creation, and we are simply a reflection of that divinity.

I created Intimacy Unleashed to allow more freedom inside how you choose, as a sovereign being to express yourself, your life and your POWER"


couples tantric yoga retreat canada


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